Friday, November 09, 2007

MoCO Home Invasions Update 11/9/07

Relatively slow week . . .


Crime Report

Thursday, November 8, 2007; GZ27

Montgomery County

District 1 Rockville Station


GLENMORE TERR.,2300 block, 2:51 a.m. Oct. 21. A burglary occurred at a home. A Takoma Park man, 19, was arrested nearby and charged with residential burglary.

District 3 Silver Spring Station


DILSTON RD.,1300 block, 12:37 p.m. Oct. 17. A residence was entered by force. A male, 16, and a Takoma Park male, 17, were seen nearby and arrested, then charged with residential burglary in connection with the incident.

HAWKSHEAD TERR.,12900 block, 2:22 p.m. Oct. 23. A residence was entered. Nothing was reported missing.

VENICE PL.,12400 block, 3:16 p.m. Oct. 22. A man attempted to enter a residence.

District 4 Wheaton Station


NADINE DR.,14300 block, 11 a.m. to noon Oct. 19. An attempt was made to enter a residence.

PEAR TREE CT.,3600 block, 8 to 8:15 p.m. Oct. 19. Two men were seen taking property from a residence entered by force.

District 5 Germantown Station


ANNAPOLIS ROCK RD.,7100 block, 1 p.m. Oct. 19. A man carrying a rifle was seen by an off-duty police officer. A man, 32, of Jefferson, Md., was arrested and charged with a weapons offense.



EDMONSTON DR.,300 block, 2:05 to 2:07 p.m. Oct. 23. A burglary occurred. A man, 18, was arrested and charged with third-degree burglary, trespassing and destruction of property.


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