Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Mythical" Canadian Gun-related Crime

That's right, there is no "gun crime" in anti-gun-owner Canada. Where the unicorns and fairies play.
(Toronto - school shooting in high school)


Saturday, September 13, 2008

MoCO Home Invasions Update 9-8-08


Crime Report
Thursday, September 11, 2008; GZ14
Montgomery County

These were among incidents recorded by the Montgomery County Police Department's Media Services Division. For information, call 240-773-5030.

District 1 Rockville Station


BALD CYPRESS DR.,10000 block, midnight to 2 a.m. Aug. 18. A man took a garage door opener from an unlocked vehicle parked on the street, opened the garage door and entered the residence. He took property and fled. Some of the property was found nearby.

CROYDON AVE.,200 block, 6:03 a.m. Aug. 24. A man tried to enter a residence by force but was interrupted when a resident saw him and called police. A homeless man, 18, was arrested nearby. He had a screwdriver in his pocket.

EDMONSTON DR. W,200 block, 3 a.m. Aug. 25. A man entered a residence, waking the homeowner's daughter when he entered her bedroom. She yelled, and the man ran out the front door but was caught and held until police arrived. A man, 19, of the 9000 block of Piney Branch Road was arrested.

District 2 Bethesda Station

A summary of crimes that occurred in the 2nd District was unavailable this week.
(K-Rom - in light of the last Special Update, I can see why those reports were "not available")

District 3 Silver Spring Station


HOLLYWOOD AVE.,900 block, 3:10 a.m. Aug. 24. A man with a machete entered a residence and went into a bedroom. The resident woke up and a struggle ensued, and the resident pushed the assailant out the door. A man, 20, of no fixed address was arrested.

THAYER AVE.,800 block, 3:10 a.m. Aug. 24. A man tried to enter a residence by breaking a front window and removing screens to talk to the homeowner. A Prince George 's man, 48, was arrested in the incident, which police said was domestic-related.

District 4 Wheaton Station


HARRIS AVE.,2800 block, 12:32 p.m. Aug. 22. Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.

LIVINGSTON ST.,12500 block, 2:23 a.m. Aug. 19. An attempt was made to enter a residence by prying open a back door. A man, 19 and two females, 13 and 14, were arrested.

District 5 Germantown Station


DEMETRIAS WAY,13300 block, 9:30 a.m. Aug. 21. Two males tried to enter a residence by tampering with the front door. A resident was inside, and they fled empty-handed.



BULLARD CIR.,1 to 100 block, 3:52 a.m. Aug. 28. A residence was entered by breaking a rear basement window. Nothing was reported missing.

-- Compiled by LISA M. BOLTON


Saturday, September 06, 2008

View from Far East on Obama's lost election

I found this story on the Hot Air blog headline listing. It summed up what I have been trying to (unsuccessfully) articulate about the candidates: McCain's choice of Palin is a sign of confidence, Obama's pick of Biden shows weakness.


(predicts people would be turned off by weakness of picking Biden, quotes"veterans" who want troops in Afghanistan replaced by civilian aid workers)

Who TF were these veterans? I could make a crack about officers, but this was too much. If we pull the DOD assets out, does anyone believe that the USDA agronomists will be sent in? Are BHO voters really believing this stuff?!

Labels: ,

UK under gun crime epidemic (continuing)

Nothing new for those in the know. Remember this yet another data point when some idiot starts bleating about "UK gun control shizzle."

It's a long one, grap a cup of (beverage here).

Guardian UK
(illegal guns flourishing in the UK)


MoCo Home Invasions special update 9-5-08


Woman's Death Could Be Related to String of Attacks

By Dan Morse
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 4, 2008; 12:41 PM

Montgomery County detectives are investigating whether the death of a woman whose body was found in her Bethesda home this morning is linked to recent attacks in which elderly victims in affluent areas have been tied up and their homes burglarized.

Police said the woman was discovered by a relative in the 8900 block of Seven Locks Road , in a neighborhood just outside the Capital Beltway. Police did not release the woman's name but said she was in her 60s.

Her home appeared to have been burglarized, and her car is missing, police said. Police did not say how she died. The death has not been ruled a homicide but is considered suspicious, police said.

Since last September, detectives have investigated five other home invasion burglaries that appear to be related. None of the victims was critically injured in those incidents, and all were older than the woman found dead this morning. All were bound. One woman was shoved to the floor.

Montgomery police issued previous warnings that an assailant might be striking every several months. As the attacks continued, police said they were concerned that a future victim might be seriously hurt.

Victims in the previous assaults described the assailant as a Hispanic man, based in part on his accent, police have said. The victims described him as being of medium build and in his 20s.

In the first of the attacks, last September, a man broke a basement window at the home of a 92-year-old woman in the 7600 block of Maryknoll Avenue in Bethesda and disabled a circuit breaker. When the woman went downstairs to check, he tied her up and then ransacked her house, police said.

In November, a man pried off bars and crawled through a basement window of a home in Chevy Chase . The 77-year-old resident said the assailant tied her hands and legs with clothesline. She said she complained of the pain.

"That hurts my knee," she recalled saying. "I have arthritis."

The woman spoke in a previous interview but, in order to protect her privacy, insisted that she not be named.

The man loosened her bound legs, she said, and she was relieved that he didn't seem intent on hurting her. After the man went upstairs, she said, she was able to wriggle out of the clothesline. She said she acted as if she were still bound until he crawled back out through the window.

In January, a man tied up an 84-year-old man and an 85-year-old woman in a house on 49th Street NW in the District, in the Foxhall area.

The following month, a 78-year-old woman was confronted outside her home on Picasso Lane in Potomac and forced into her house by an assailant who took valuables, including her car, police said. She was discovered, still tied up, when her daughter went to check on her two days later. Police said she was taken to a hospital for injuries that were not life-threatening.

In May, an armed man wearing military-style fatigues forced open the back door of a home on Brookside Drive in the Kenwood neighborhood, in the Bethesda-Chevy Chase area, police said. He crept into an elderly couple's bedroom, showed them a pistol and tied them up, fleeing about an hour later after taking valuables.


MoCO Home Invasions Update 9-4-08


Crime Report

Thursday, September 4, 2008; GZ16

Montgomery County

These were among incidents recorded by the Montgomery County Police Department's Media Services Division. For information, call 240-773-5030.

District 1 Rockville Station


HALPINE RD.,5500 block, 12:41 a.m. Aug. 17. A male outside a residence was seen peeking through the blinds of a female resident's sliding-glass door. The door was locked, and there was no attempt to make entry.

District 4 Wheaton Station


BLUHAVEN CT.,2600 block, 10:06 a.m. Aug. 12. Someone attempted to enter a residence by force.

ROSECROFT RD.,15000 block, 12:46 a.m. Aug. 15. A person attempted to enter a residence. When the occupant investigated the sound of someone trying to open the door, the person ran away.

District 6 Gaithersburg Station


BITTERFIELD CT.,8600 block, 1:45 a.m. Aug. 14. A residence was entered by force. Nothing was reported missing.



EDMONSTON DR. W,200 block, 3 to 3:15 p.m. Aug. 25. A Silver Spring man, 19, was arrested and charged with burglary.

Takoma Park


ROANOKE AVE.,8200 block, 4 a.m. Aug. 23. A person entered an apartment and assaulted a resident and her daughter and then fled. A man was arrested in the incident.


EAST WEST HWY.,900 block, 3:30 to 3:41 a.m. Aug. 26. Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.

ROANOKE AVE.,8300 block, 5 to 5:10 a.m. Aug. 23. Someone attempted to enter a residence by force. Police say the matter is linked to a domestic dispute.

-- Compiled by LISA M. BOLTON


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

In the tank?

I was listening to NPR this morning when I heard the "conservative" commentator Juan Williams describe Troopergate as "Palin trying to get her brother in law fired after some sort of spat with Palin's sister."

Let's review the facts of WHY Palin's family wanted he guy fired:
“Of course this issue came up in the vetting, and this is what we discovered,” the source said. “The man who was fired has said on the record that he was never pressured by the governor or the governor’s husband on the issue of firing Trooper Wooten. The governor had a vision for how she wanted that department to be run. The commissioner had a different vision.”

“The reason that members of the Palin family were having discussions with the head of the state police about this state trooper, who was her ex-brother-in-law, was because he had made threats against the family. He threatened to kill the governor's daughter, her father, and her sister. He tasered her 11-year-old stepson. And that is why the Palin family was concerned about this trooper.”

"Some sort of spat." I'd like Williams to try "some sort of spat" and taser my kid. "Spat" would be the sound of his *ss hitting the ground.


More RealFacts

Remember this story the next time some idiot from a newspaper, say in Jacksonville, FL, claims that people only get shot in US bars and that no one in Europe worries about such things.


(UK - British boxing champ shot dead during argument over smoking)


MoCO Home Invasion Update 8-28



Thursday, August 28, 2008; GZ21

Montgomery County

These were among incidents recorded by the Montgomery County Police Department's Media Services Division. For information, call 240-773-5030.



DEWEY RD. ,11800 block, 3:15 a.m. Aug. 9. A residence was entered. Nothing was reported missing.



COTTRELL TERR.,9900 block, 10:45 p.m. Aug. 5. A male tried to enter a residence but fled when a motion light activated.

IVYWOOD LANE ,13700 block, 11 p.m. Aug. 7. A man entered a residence by force but fled when a resident heard noise and came to investigate. Nothing was reported missing.

MARLOW FARM TERR.,2900 block, 10:42 p.m. Aug. 7. Property was stolen from a residence entered by force.



BUSHEY DR. ,12700 block, 1 p.m. Aug. 4. Several people entered a residence, took property and fled. Five males were seen outside the house.

WENDY LANE ,3900 block, 1:25 a.m. Aug. 5. A male was seen entering a residence. Nothing was reported missing.

-- Compiled by LISA M. BOLTON


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